
Introduction to Computing Systems Solutions Manual Pdf

Contact List:

Section mailing lists (only registered students can send messages):

  • Section 2:
  • Discussion sections: where xy is 01, 02, ..., 10


Prof. Mikko Lipasti
Office: 4613 Engineering Hall
Office Hours: T 9-11
Email: mikko at


  • Lead TA: Sean Franey, Office: EH B632, Office Hours: Wed 2:30-4:30, Email: sfraney at
  • Vamsi Ithapu, Office: EH B632, Office Hours: R 2-4, Email: ithapu at
  • Dustin Kreft, Office: EH B632, Office Hours: M 2-4, Email: dkreft at
  • Ripudaman Singh, Office: EH B632, Office Hours: R 10-12, Email: rsingh27 at
  • Preeti Agarwal, Office: EH B632, Office Hours: F 2-4, Email: pagarwal7 at

Course Description

This course is intended for first-year students, to serve both as a general introduction to engineering for all engineering majors, but also as a foundational course for the computer engineering and computer science degree programs. The course provides bottoms-up coverage of the critical concepts in the operation and design of computing systems, starting with transistors, then logic gates, then complex logic structures, then gated latches and memory. The course removes all of the mystery about the operation of computer systems by methodically and progressively explaining the implementation and behavior of each important layer of abstraction in the hardware of a computer system.

The course will also explore the increasingly pervasive role that computing devices--particularly those embedded in appliance-like systems--play in modern society, as well as the historical importance of computing as a powerful tool and enabler for virtually all engineering and scientific disciplines. Within that context, the course will discuss the ethical, economic, social, and political impacts that computers have had on our society in the past fifty years and will continue to have in the future.

There are no prerequisites for this course.

Refer to the course syllabus for additional details

The course textbook is Introduction to Computing Systems: from bits and gates to C and beyond, by Yale N. Patt and Sanjay J. Patel, Mc-Graw Hill, 2003, 2nd edition.

Lecture Notes

These will be updated as the semester progresses.

  • Lecture 00: Welcome and Introduction [ PDF][ PPT ][ Flash ]
  • Lecture 01: Computers [ PDF][ PPT ][ Flash ]
  • Lecture 02 Bits & Operations - Part I [ PDF][ PPT][ Flash ]
      Additional online lecture materials (requires Flash):
    • Electrical Information
    • Binary and Decimal
    • Binary Arithmetic (you are not responsible for multiplication or borrow-based subtraction)
    • Hexadecimal
  • Lecture 03 Signed Numbers, Fractions, and Floating Point [ PDF][ PPT][ Flash ]
      Additional online lecture materials (requires Flash):
    • Negative Numbers and Subtraction
    • Fractions and Large Numbers
  • Lecture 04 Digital Logic Structures - Part I [ PDF][ PPT][ Flash ]
      Additional online lecture materials:
    • Complex Combinational Blocks [ PDF][ PPT][ Flash]
  • Lecture 05 Digital Logic Structures - Part II [ PDF][ PPT][ Flash ]
      Additional online lecture materials:
    • Latches, Flip-Flops, and Memory [ PDF][ PPT][ Flash]
  • Lecture 06 The von Neumann Model [ PDF][ PPT][ Flash ]
      Optional online lecture material:
    • Computing History [ PDF][ PPT][ Flash]
  • Lecture 07 The LC-3 [ PDF][ PPT][ Flash ]
      Additional online lecture material:
    • LC-3 Details and Examples [ PDF][ PPT][ Flash]
    • LC-3 Data Path [ PDF][ PPT][ Flash]
  • Lecture 08 Programming, Part I [ PDF][ PPT][ Flash ]
  • Lecture 09 Programming, Part II [ PDF][ PPT][ Flash ]
      Examples used in this lecture:
    • ch6_debug_ex1.asm(Multiply)
    • ch6_debug_ex2.asm(Sum array)
    • ch6_debug_ex2_data.asm(Array data)
    • ch6_debug_ex3.asm(Find 5)
    • ch6_debug_ex3_data.asm(Array data)
    • ch6_debug_ex4.asm(Find first 1)
  • Lecture 10 Assembly Language [ PDF][ PPT][ Flash ]
  • Lecture 11 Subroutines (Chap. 9.2) [ PDF][ PPT][ Flash ]
  • Lecture 12 Input/Output (Chap. 8) [ PDF][ PPT][ Flash ]
  • Lecture 13 Engineering Ethics [ PDF][ PPT][ Flash ]
    • The IEEE Code of Ethics
  • Lecture 14 System Calls and Traps (Chap. 9.1) [ PDF][ PPT][ Flash ]

Discussion sections

You must be registered for one of 10 discussion sections (301-310). Attendance at discussion sections is required. There will be a quiz or applied homework assignment administered and collected at every scheduled discussion time.


Section Number Time Place TA
301 11am EH3418 Preeti Agarwal
302 11am EH3534 Ripudaman Singh
303 11am EH3444 Sean Franey
304 11am EH2341 Dustin Kreft
305 11am EH2535 Vamsi Ithapu
306 8:50am EH3418 Preeti Agarwal
307 8:50am EH3444 Ripudaman Singh
308 9:55am EH3444 Sean Franey
309 1:20pm EH3418 Dustin Kreft
310 2:25pm EH3444 Vamsi Ithapu

Lecture and Discussion Schedule

This may be updated as the semester progresses.

Week Dates Monday Wed Fri
0 9/2 N/A N/A Intro lecture,
AnSci 212
1 9/7,9/9 Labor Day, no class Ch 1 Lecture
AnSci 212
Ch 1 Discussion
2 9/12,9/14,9/16 Ch 2 Lecture
AnSci 212
Ch 2 Discussion
Ch 2 Discussion
3 9/19,9/21,9/23 Ch 2 Lecture
AnSci 212
Ch 2 Discussion
Midterm 1 review
EHxxxx, Sample exam
4 9/26,9/28,9/30 Ch 3 Lecture
AnSci 212
Midterm 1 (Ch 1-2)
AnSci 212
Ch 3 Discussion
5 10/3,10/5,10/7 Ch 3 Lecture
AnSci 212
Ch 3 Discussion
Ch 3 Discussion
6 10/10,10/12,10/14 Ch 4 Lecture
AnSci 212
Ch 3/4 Discussion
Ch 3/4 Discussion
7 10/17,10/19,10/21 Ch 5 Lecture
AnSci 212
Ch 5 Discussion
LC3 Demo
8 10/24,10/26,10/28 Ch 6 Lecture
AnSci 212
Midterm 2 review
EHxxxx, Sample exam
Midterm 2 (Ch 3-4)
AnSci 212
9 10/31,11/2,11/4 Ch 6 Lecture
AnSci 212
Ch 6 Discussion
Ch 6 Discussion
10 11/7,11/9,11/11 Ch 7/9.2 Lecture
AnSci 212
Ch 7 Discussion
Ch 7 Discussion
11 11/14,11/16,11/18 Ch 7/9.2 Lecture
AnSci 212
Midterm 3 review
EHxxxx, Sample exam
Midterm 3 (Ch. 5-6)
AnSci 212
12 11/21,11/23 Ch 8 Lecture
AnSci 212
Ch 8 Discussion
Thanksgiving recess
13 11/28,11/30,12/2 Ch 8 Lecture
AnSci 212
Ethics Lecture
AnSci 212
Ch 8 Discussion
14 12/5,12/7,12/9 Course Evals and Career
Options Panel
AnSci 212
Discussion - Ethics exercise
Discussion - Project Demonstrations
15 12/12,12/14 Midterm 4 review
AnSci 212, Sample exam
Midterm 4 (Ch. 7-9)
AnSci 212
16 12/21 Optional final exam
7:25 PM - 9:25 PM
Psych 105


These will be updated as semester progresses. Subscribe through RSS feed, or via OPML file using e.g. iTunes.

Homeworks and Applied Exercises:

To check your recorded homework grades, log in to Learn@UW using your NetID and password (same as your as email username or your login), click on "2011 - FALL" and section 002 of 252.

You may either use your own computer to run the LC-3 simulator, or you may use the Computer-aided Engineering (CAE) workstations. You must have a Java runtime (JRE) installed.

Note: if you have trouble accessing this page, contact Mikko Lipasti (

Introduction to Computing Systems Solutions Manual Pdf


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